Do you have a funnel?

Recently I was working with a client, and they were curious about applying email marketing strategy to their marketing. They asked me to explain a funnel - their goal was to have an easy way to help guide her clients along - she was setting up a few different courses and moving out of 1:1 work with clients and more into a 1 to many. 

I love when clients ask me this, it gives me a chance to apply what I know and help them create a strategy that works for them. Honestly, I have been uncomfortable with the word funnel. About 10 years ago, I remember the word “funnel” used to describe how to convert someone from a Facebook Ad. (I’m pretty much off Facebook these days and have been using Adblocks on Facebook since 2016, I’m not a fan!)  

For me, that felt icky and gross, however, playing and experimenting with my own funnels with email marketing and seeing what’s possible has helped me grow and understand that we all need a way that is a step-by-step process to help guide our potential clients to working with us.  

Graphic by Neil Patel

The key here is that whatever funnel you use - it can be as simple as having someone fill out a contact form and you start there - it NEEDS to be aligned with your values! If you create something that doesn’t align with what you stand for and it feels gross, you won’t attract the folks you want to work with. This has happened to me, and I’ve heard many, many stories from this community and my clients where someone convinced you that THIS IS THE WAY and the whole time you are thinking, no, gross, but you go along with it.

Let me leave you today with the word “funnel” and let’s define it as the guiding path to attracting clients. Whatever your funnel is, it’s important that it’s part of your marketing roadmap. I have a Marketing Framework I use with my clients and “Learn Your Strategy” is knowing what types of marketing will attract the right clients as well as allow you to shine and be confident.

I’d love to have a conversation with you and help you define your funnel and get all of your things in place. I have a great team that can implement and get it done and I can help project manage it. You don’t have to do it all alone!


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100 Days of Rejection